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Van Velzen-Viskoper family. Collection

1930 - 1965

This collection contains: a pre-war photograph of Barend and Rebecca van Velzen-Viskoper ; a postcard from the brothers Louis, Benjamin and Salomon van Velzen sent from camp Jawischowitz to the Papegaai family in Antwerp in 1943 ; a postcard from A. van Wien to Mathilda Randolfi sent from camp Westerbork ; a photograph of Benjamin van Velzen taken just after his repatriation in 1945 ; documents concerning the war damage suffered by the van Velzen family, including statements about the emptying of their house ; documents concerning Benjamin van Velzen's application for recognition as a political prisoner ; correspondence and certificates concerning the estate of Louis van Velzen and Sara Halberstadt ; documents concerning the application for Wiedergutmachung for the deported Adele Keyser ; post-war work permits of Benjamin van Velzen ; post-war identity card of Benjamin van Velzen ; registration at the commercial court of Benjamin van Velzen’s post-war business.

  • Van Velzen-Viskoper family
  • 48 digitised images (2 photos, 31 documents)
Identificatienummer van Kazerne Dossin
  • KD_00592
  • Forced labour
  • Reconstruction
  • Holocaust survivors
  • Family life
  • Deportees
  • Repatriation
  • Industry and commerce
  • Identification measures
  • German Occupation
  • Transit camps
  • Postwar research
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