Dutch patriots in training at camp St. Ives for R.N.I. Army Airforce. Pte. van den Dungen, R.N.I.
Dutch patriots in training at camp St. Ives for R.N.I. Army Airforce. Pte. van den Dungen, R.N.I. Army Airforce, a former professional boxer from 's Hertogenbosch, Holland (middle) showing his mail which he received from Holland to Pte. Verwey, R.N.I. Army Airforce, from Maastricht, Holland (left) and Pte. Koster, R.N.I. Army Airforce, who are among Dutch recruits to the R.N.I. Army Airforce, who are among Dutch recruits to the R.N.I. Army Airforce who arrived in Australia from Europe recently, and are training to be pilots. St. Ives, Sydney. NI 7445
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- Nederlandse strijdkrachten
- Militaire oefeningen
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