Britisch Navy lends ships to fight pirates.
Britisch Navy lends ships to fight pirates. Under a big plan to build up a Naval Force to smash pirate operations along her coast, China has sent 600 Hong Kong universary men to Britain to study battle action with the Royal Navy aboard the 35 year old battle cruiser H.M.S. "Renown" at Plymouth. After the course the students will return to China to main ships which are being loaned to China by the admiralty. Britisch navy drill and discipline are very important items of the course and a squad of Chinese seaman are seen being put through their paces on the After Deck of H.M.S. "Renown". In the background can be seen the Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. "Unicorn".
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- 61499
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- Marine
- Chinese strijdkrachten
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