Poolse troepen in Nederland. Polish tanks advance in Holland.
Poolse troepen in Nederland. Polish tanks advance in Holland. From the turret of a tank of a Polish armored unit in pursuit of the Germans, an observer surveys enemy positions in the battle-scarred Netherlands town of Moerdijk. Polish troops wiped out the last German resistance at Moerdijk, on the eastern bank of the Maas River, November 10, 1944. The two important bridges spanning the Maas at Moerdijk, one carrying a railway and the other for motor traffic, were blown up by the retreating Germans. The town of Moerdijk, devastated by fierce battles, was liberated when Polish infantry mopped up German suicide rearguards. Polish tanks, firing 17-pound shells at close range, destroyed the concrete pillboxes, fortifications and other strongholds erected by the enemy. During the night of the final attack, most of German troops evacuated Moerdijk by boat and raft toward the town of Dordrecht on the road to Rotterdam.
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