Van de Nederlandse strijdkrachten telde de marine de meeste mensen.
Van de Nederlandse strijdkrachten telde de marine de meeste mensen. In tegenstelling tot de landmacht was de marine er begin mei 1940 in geslaagd een aanzienlijk deel van personeel en materieel uit Nederland te evacueren. Daarnaast bevond zich in de Indische wateren het marinesmaldeel dat belast was met de verdediging van de archipel. Naast het escorteren van konvooien hebben Nederlandse marineschepen deelgenomen aan belangrijke geallieerde acties en operaties op alle wereldzeeën. Hierbij kwamen 2900 marinemensen om, waarvan 900 bij de slag in de Javazee. Marine: Abraham Crijnssen. Serving now as the training ship for the Royal Netherland Navy in the Pacific to train Indonesian volunteers from the liberated parts of the Netherlands Indies is the Dutch minesweeper, H.M.N.S. Abraham Crijnssen. The Abraham Crijnssen was the last warship to escape from Sourabaya after the Japanese invasion. With a crew of 59, survivors of sunken Netherlands vessels she reached Australia camouflaged as a 'tropical island'. Her small 50 h.p. launch was used to bring load after load of foliage on board for camouflage. Now the Abraham Crijnssen is a school for sailors. From a base on shore, where they sleep and train, the trainees make trips to sea for practical experience. These men will provide a steady flow of trained personnel for the Royal Netherlands Navy which is fighting with the Allied Navy in the Pacific. An Indonesian who has volunteered for the Royal Netherland Navy at present undergoing training on the new training ship H.M.N.S. Abraham Crijnssen. When his training is complete he will go on active service in the Pacific.
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- 92089
- Marine
- Portretten
- Vrijwilligers
- Indonesiërs
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