Tightening up Japanese Army Disciplinearmy chiefs convene.
Tightening up Japanese Army Disciplinearmy chiefs convene. A General view of the scene in Tokyo recently when General Senjuro Hayashi, minister of War, called up all divisional commanders of the Japanese army to hear his instructions on the tightening of discipline in the Army. General Nayashi is seen at the end of the long table delivering his speech. Themeeting was called as a result of the assaination of a Lieut-general Tatsuzan Nagata, high official in the war office, by a subordinate Lieut-Col Saburo Aizawa. NI 1589
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 100328
- Bijeenkomsten
- Japanse strijdkrachten
- Generale staven
- Oorlogvoorbereiding
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