Koningin Wilhelmina brengt een bezoek aan Arnhem.
Koningin Wilhelmina brengt een bezoek aan Arnhem. Hier wordt ze ontvangen door de militaire commissaris van Gelderland, kolonel Blaauw, bij Sacre Coeur, dat tijdelijk was ingericht als stadhuis. 'H.M. QUEEN WILHELMINA OF THE NETHERLANDS VISITS ARNHEM. For the first time after Arnhem has been liberated by the Allied Armies, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands visits the heavily damaged town. During the German occupation and especially after the first airborn landing, the Germans have been looting houses very extensively. For seven months lorries loades up with furniture, clothing etc. were brought to Germany. Now under the responsibility of the city-councel and the Netherlands Military Administration, lorries with equipment and material return to the city. But the difficulties are not over yet. H.M. the Queen visited the townhall where the whole civil administration is done on one typewriter, but the 'Arnhemmers' are willing and able to improvise and are determined to restore their city in its old beauty. Picure shows: At the townhall H.M. the Queen is received by Col. Blaauw, the Military Commisiones for the province Gelderland.' (June 1945 HL4305) Photograph ANEFO/Sem Presser.
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