Bombardementen, beschietingen en andere oorlogshandelingen veroorzaakten veel schade in Nederland.
Bombardementen, beschietingen en andere oorlogshandelingen veroorzaakten veel schade in Nederland. Hier ziet men de zwaarbeschadigde binnenstad van Arnhem, met op de achtergrond de St. Eusebiuskerk. 'A DEAD CITY REVIVES' On September the 17th about 12 o'clock, the airborn troops of the Second British Army were dropped around Arnhem. They were marching to their collecting-points and from there they advanced the Rhine-bridge. The final result of this operation, which not succeeded, was, that the town of Arnhem became a dead city. On the 19th of April 1945 at half past eight in the evening the guns of the FirstCanadian Army started a bombardment in order to drive out the Germans who were then masters of the town. This destruction was at the same time the signal for the revival for the city. Now the citicens of Arnhem are coming home after all been deported by the Germans. But their houses are not there any more, or are a heap of rubbish. Not only that the Germans with special lootingcommands were systematicaly taking away clothing, kitchenutilities etc., just outside Arnhem everything was sorted out and taken away by lorries. They try to live again with a fire in the backgarden and empty biscuittins as chairs. Rebuilding starts. The county-council of Arnhem in coöperation with the Netherlands Military Administration is in charge of the rebuilding and cleaning up. Teams from all over the province are volunteering for cleaining up the streets together with workingteams of Dutch traitors and coloborateurs and heavily armed quards. There is not much available to assist the rebuilders. At the townhall, the heart of the whole rebuildingprocess, there is only one typewriter . . . There is no gass, electricity, telephone, lorries or buildingmaterials. But there is a determination by all the Arnhemmers to rebuild their city. Every day thousand citicens are allowed to return to Arnhem from all over the Netherlands. Every day, food and other necessities for thousand or more people have to be brought in. But not withstanding all these difficulties the dead city of Arnhem will rise again. PICTURE SHOWS: Arnhem the dead city. In the background the ruined tower of the Great Church. June 1945'.
- Verzetsmuseum Friesland
- Foto
- 123544
- Oorlogsschade
- Kerken
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