Amerikaanse vliegdekschepen spelen een belangrijke rol in de strijd tegen Japan in de Pacific.
Amerikaanse vliegdekschepen spelen een belangrijke rol in de strijd tegen Japan in de Pacific. Een Amerikaanse marineofficier aan boord van het vliegdekschip USS Bennington bepaalt de positie en route van ieder vliegtuig in de omgeving van het schip. ' U.S. Aircraft Carriers Play Important Role In Blasting Japanese in Pacific. Air power, the spearhead of the U.S. offensive in the Pacific, has been transported on the decks of U.S. aircraft carriers to every point in the vast Pacific where the Japanese have sought to rule. In January, 1945, carrier planes battered enemyheld ports on the China coast, bringing the sea-air phase of the offensive into Japan's innermost defense areas. Typical of thes `floating` airdromes is the U.S.S. Bennington, 27.100 ton aircraft carrier launched in April, 1944, which carries more than 80 aircraft and more than 2.000 men. She is among the more than 80 U.S. carriers in operation. Her final pre-battle test, like that of all U.S. Navy ships, consisted of a shakedown cruise to synchronize the activities of crew and pilots. The following series of photographs shows various activities during the cruise. This photo shows: Officer Records Presence Of Aircraft Within Range Of U.S. Carrier. A US-Navy Commander uses a map board aboard the new U.S. aircraft carrier, USS Bennington, to plot the position and course of every plane in the vicinity of the vessel. In this office -called the Air Plot- detailed and continuous records are kept of all aircraft in flight, both enemy and friendly. The seamen in the rear are the `talker` (left) and the `recorder`. The shakedown cruise, in which this carrier is shown engaged, permits final training in coordination of activities prior to entering the battle zones. '
- Nationaal Oorlogs- en Verzetsmuseum Overloon / Liberty Park
- Foto
- 143084
- Pacific-Oorlog
- Marine
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Vliegdekschepen
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