Fw 190 Luftwaffe graveyard.
Fw 190 Luftwaffe graveyard. Here is a part of the Luftwaffe equipement taken by the Third Infantry Division, Seventh U.S. Army, as resistance collapsed on the Western Front in Germany. This Luftwaffe 'graveyard' contains many ships which were grounded because of lack of gasoline and others which were sabotaged by the Germans before they fled into the Austrian Alps. Nota the tails on the two ships in the foreground. This field is at Bad Aibling, midway between Munich and Salzburg. Focke Wulf.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 476
- Wrakken
- Gevechtsvliegtuigen
- Vliegtuigen
- Luftwaffe
- Duitse strijdkrachten
- Vernielingen
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