U.S. Army nurse on east bank of Rhine. Lieutenant Mildred Judkins of Bluchill, 0ne of the first U.S.
U.S. Army nurse on east bank of Rhine. Lieutenant Mildred Judkins of Bluchill, 0ne of the first U.S. Army nurses to cross the Rhine River in Germany after first U.S. Army units stormed across at Remagen March 7, 1945, rubs the head of a soldier receiving blood plasma at a field hospital on the east bank of the river. U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, in an announcement at Washington, D.C., March 15, revealed thar U.S. Army ground force casualties on the Western Front from "D-Day" (June 6, 1944) to March 1, 1945, totaled 425,007.
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