American Military Government in Germany.
American Military Government in Germany. Captain Zenos Smith of Wichita Falls, Texas, Ninth Armored Division medical officer working with the Bayreuth Military Government detachment, posts a quarantine poster on the door of a home where a person with a contangious disease has been isolated, Becaus spread of disease presents the possibility of chaotic conditions in the occuped territory and a danger to health of the occupying forces, medical corpsmen of the occupying forces have taken over control of health conditions, working in a close cooperetion with health officer of the Military Government detachment. In bayreuth, during the first two months of American occupation, 80 cases os diphtheria were reduced to 12, 40 scarlet fever to 19, nine typhus to one. Close check of neglected teuberculosis cases has increased hospitalized cases from 38 to 94.
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- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
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- Medische verzorging
- Militair Gezag
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