Compiegne in German possession. Compiegne, the theatre of the ignominous armistice ...
13 juni 1940
Compiegne in German possession. Compiegne, the theatre of the ignominous armistice ... of 1918 and the surrounding woods are occupied by German troops. In these woods lies the "Carrefour de l'Armestice" the .... way of the armistice, so called by the French, where on the 11.1918 in the saloon-carriage of the General foch a German deputation accepted the conditions of Germany's destruction. At this "Cross-way of the Armistice" a kind of monument is seen. It shows an eagle lying on the ground and perforate...sword.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 7922
- Monumenten
- Compiegne
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