Allied might at Normandy beachhead.
Allied might at Normandy beachhead. Fleets of American transport and landing craft swarm close to a beach in Normandy disgorging masses of reinforcements and supplies for the U.S. troops who liberated the Cotentin Peninsula, the deep-water port of cherbourg and the important communication center of La Haye du Puits. Barrage ballons float overhead as protection against German strafing planes which failed to appear due to Allied control of the skies as well as the sea. One balloon rests on the deck of an LST (landing shiptanks) vessel. An endless stream of trucks, loaded with troops and supplies, pushes inland to be used by the Allies for further blows against the retreating Germans.
- Foto
- 8277
- D-Day
- Westfront
- Luchtschepen
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Logistiek
- Invasie
- Transporten
- Geallieerden
- Landingsvaartuigen
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