Russian soldiers surrender to U.S. troops.
Russian soldiers surrender to U.S. troops. Russian soldiers from Tiflis, Georgia, are shown with some soldiers from an American armored unit to whom they surrendered after deserting the German Army. The first prisoners taken by this unit of the Normandy front, they claimed that they were a group of 29 led by two German officiers. When the Americans advanced, three of them were shot by the Germans. After this, they killed their officers and deserted. Six of the original 29, hungy and glad to be in Allied hands, were picked up by the Americans. They carried no weapons and pointed to the place where they had hidden them.
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- 8933
- Georgiërs
- Russen
- Oorlogsvrijwilligers
- Krijgsgevangenen
- Russische strijdkrachten
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