Productie van de Boeing 'B-29 Superfortress'. 'U.S. 'AIR BATTLESHIPS'' TAKE SHAPE.
Productie van de Boeing 'B-29 Superfortress'. 'U.S. 'AIR BATTLESHIPS'' TAKE SHAPE. Pilot cabins of B-29 Superfortress bombers, America's 'battleships of the sky', take shape under the hands of men and women workers in a U.S. aircraft factory. The cylindrical design permits sealing the interiors to maintain air pressure during high altitude flying. Superforts first went into action on June 15, 1944, bombing a steel center in Japan. Since then they have hit enemy industrial targets in Manchuria, occupied China, Sumatra and other widely-separated parts of the Pacific, causing a Japanese news agency to admit that 'Tokyo, not to mention Kyushu, are within easy range of a round trip bombing by the considerably powerful B-29 air force'. Because of their great firepower and cruising range, the big planes have been assigned to a special Superfortress air organization, the 20th Army Air Force, to be used like a naval fleet in any part of the world.'
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- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Bommenwerpers
- Oorlogsindustrie
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