British and American warships together in the Yangtse after Japanese attacks.
British and American warships together in the Yangtse after Japanese attacks. A picture just received in London on the British gunboats "Bee" (centre) and "Ladybird" (right) and the American gunboat "Oahu" (left) moored alongside each other in the Yangtse River after the air and artillery attacks which had been made by Japanese forces. The "ladybird" had suffered damage at the hands of Japanese gunners, and Japanese planes had sunk the American gunboat "Panay". The "Bee" defied a standstill order of the Japanese in order to aid the "Panay" and those aboard her. The "Ladybird" and the "Oahu" also helped in pciking up survivors.
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- 12447
- Pacific-Oorlog
- Britse strijdkrachten
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Oorlogsschepen
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