U.S aircraft carrier, smashed by typhoon in Pacific, repaired at sea. After the end of the U.S.S.
U.S aircraft carrier, smashed by typhoon in Pacific, repaired at sea. After the end of the U.S.S. Bonnington's was smashed and crumpled by a typhoon in the Pacific on June 5, 1945, she was completely repaired at sea in less than two weeks. The upper photo shows how the aircraft carrier looked after the wind abated; the lower picture shows to result of the work done by aU.S. Pacific Fleet Service Squadron. This floating repair group made measurements and drawing, than slashed away 30 feet (9 meter) of the carrie's bow. Now sections were prefabricated on the repair ship and on the Bennington's own hangar deck. These were swung into place by a huge crane, which hold them while welders secured them. Carpenters then laid a flight deck over the steel, onabling the big carrier to return to the battle against the Japanese.
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