American and Russian soldiers shake hands over bombs for the enemy.
American and Russian soldiers shake hands over bombs for the enemy. At an airbase in Russia used by American aircraft, a U.S. and a Red Army soldier shake hands over a pile of bombs addressed to the enemy. The Russian words "to Hitler"are painted on a bomb under one bearing the English spelling. American aircraft have used bases in Russia since June 2, 1944, when Flying Fortresses left a base in Italy, bombed German targets in Rumania, and continued to new airfields in Russia prepared to receive them. U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson hailed the new bases as putting all points of German-occupied Europe within range of U.S. aircraft, in triangular shuttle bombing missions between England, Russia and Italy.
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- 18101
- Vliegvelden
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Militairen
- Bommen
- Russische strijdkrachten
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