U.S. LST's loaded in port in Marianas. U.S.
U.S. LST's loaded in port in Marianas. U.S. trucks haul supplies to within LST's (landing ships, tanks) at a port in a central Pacific Marianas island. From the warhouses in the background a steady stream of trucks carries equipment and provisions for the U.S. troops en route to combat areas. The Japanese were expelled from Saipan, Tinian and Guam, major Marianas islands, by August, 1944. Construction work was started during the fighting and the three islands became huge U.S. military bases is less than six months. Guam, largest of the group, is Advance Headquarters for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. From the Marianas, huge fleets of B-29 Superfortress bombers have been battering targets on the Japanese home islands. Large communication systems have been set up and harbor facilities greatly expanded. Tankers working day and night pump a continuous stream of aircraft gasoline through miles of pipelines to insure adequate supplies for the thousands of airplanes based on the islands. An adequate water supply has been provided, and hospital facilities and research units for disease prevention have been established to take care of servicemen as well as of the civilian population.
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- 23049
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Logistiek
- Havens
- Landingsvaartuigen
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