Helmut Peeck. This is Helmut Peeck, commandor of the Neo-Nazi 'Scharnhorst' Youth Corps.
12 juni 1955
Helmut Peeck. This is Helmut Peeck, commandor of the Neo-Nazi 'Scharnhorst' Youth Corps. He said to have no brains, but to be a fighter of the worst type. Once a priest. Above his broken nose he wears an Afrika Corps hat. His organisation is allied to ex-soldiers' organisations aiming to 'restore honour'to the German Army. The picture was made as he attended the 'Stahlhelm'congress at Goslar on June 12 1955.
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 34748
- Naoorlogse periode
- Neonazisme
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