British Official Photograph No. C. 1953 R.A.F. daylight attack on shipping at Rotterdam july 1941.
British Official Photograph No. C. 1953 R.A.F. daylight attack on shipping at Rotterdam july 1941. Blenheim aircraft of Bomber Command of the R.A.F. made a daring low-level attack upon a large concentration of German shipping in Rotterdam docks. In all, seventeen ships of an estimated tonnage of 90,000 to 100,000 tons were put out of action while on land two warehouses and a factory were left in flames. Approaching their targets, the Blenheims flew low over Dutch territory in 'V' formation, which was taken as the Victory symbol by the Dutch who waved to the R.A.F. as they swept into the attack. British aircraft fly low over Holland in the attack.
- British Air Ministry Photograph
- Algemeen Dagblad
- Foto
- 199144
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