AD B 2 Bevrijding Commandos in Flushing British Commando troops landed on the island of Walcheren early on the morning o...
5 november 1944
AD B 2 Bevrijding Commandos in Flushing British Commando troops landed on the island of Walcheren early on the morning of Wednesday November 1st and soon forced their way into the town of Flushing, the greater part of which was captured by Wednesday night. Commandos march through the town.
- British Official Photograph / No. 5 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit / Stiggins (Sergeant)
- Algemeen Dagblad
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 199274
- Britse strijdkrachten
- Frontlinies
- Geallieerden
- Intochten
- Bevrijding
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