Inaugration Of The New Reichs Air - Raid Precaution School In Wannsee.
23 mei 1939
Inaugration Of The New Reichs Air - Raid Precaution School In Wannsee. In the inaugration festivities course, Field - Marschal General Goering the Reichsminister for Aviation and Commander - in - Chief of the airforces, Field - Marshal General Goering inaugurated 200 new Reichs Air - Raid Precaution League flags, by touching an old swastikaflag belonging to the old Horst Wessel stormtroop. The new flags differ from the former ones by their red ground colour bearing silver stars and black swastikas. (The old flags bore the same marks on blue ground.)
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- 43172
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- Luftwaffe
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- Luftwaffe
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