Sailors from H.M.S.
Sailors from H.M.S. "Cumberland" who were detailed for guard duty at the notorious Tjideng prison camp in Batavia, Java, make friends with the children of women internees. Fenced off in one of the lowest slums in Batavia, which is the hottest spot in Java, this camp proved a veritable hell for the women and the children who, forcibly separated from husbands and fathers, by the Japanese invaders, had to exist on the minimum of rations, and no new clothing for over three and a half years. NI 6050
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 52025
- Britse strijdkrachten
- Kinderen
- Militairen
- Vrouwenkampen
- Naoorlogse periode
- Interneringskampen
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