Burning oilwells at Seria, off north coast of British Borneo.
april/mei 1945
Burning oilwells at Seria, off north coast of British Borneo. Members of the Royal Australian Engineers watching a fellow soldier working a crane which was transferring one of the boilers in an effort to put the blazing fires of the Seria oilwells out which are on the North coast of British Borneo. The fires were started by the Japanese also much damage was done by the Allied bombardment which preceded the invasion. NI 3278
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 52324
- Oorlogsschade
- Australische strijdkrachten
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- Industrieën
- Aardolie
- Vernielingen
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