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Breaking the wall of silence : the voices of raped Bosnia


This book reveals the pain, the despair, the loneliness of the rape victim, but more than that it is an indictment of an entire group of men who decided consciously and rationally to use rape as a weapon of war and to use it in a widespread fashion. It is a study of the mass rape perpetrated by Serbian forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina, consisting of interviews with victims, comments by experts and discussions of the key issues involved - social, political and legal. Includes bibliographical references (pages 339-340). 342 pages : maps ; 20 cm

  • Vranić, Seada.
  • NIOD Bibliotheek
  • Text
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
  • ocm37478877
  • Yugoslav War, 1991-1995--Atrocities.
  • Yugoslav War, 1991-1995--Personal narratives, Bosnian.
  • Yugoslav War, 1991-1995--Women.
  • Rape victims--Bosnia and Herzegovina--Biography.
  • Yugoslav War, 1991-1995--Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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