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Velika župa Vrhbosna

Records of Velika župa Vrhbosna (Independent State of Croatia's region governed from Sarajevo), 1941 - 1945. Two months after the creation of "Independent State of Croatia", which included Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 10th of June 1941 new legislation was created which formed new regions (velike župe). The state had 22 of these regions at first: Zagorje, Prigorje,Bilogora, Baranja, Vuka, Posavlje, Livac i Zapolje, Gora, Pokuplje, Modruša, Vinodol, Gacka i Lika, Pribir i Sidraga, Cetina, Hum, Dubrava, Usora i Soli, Lašva i Glaž, Pliva i Rama, Krbava i Psat, Sana i Luka, and Vrhbosna. As a head of each "velika župa" there was a governor (veliki župan) that had ministerial authority and led complete civil service in his region. After the capitulation of Italy (9th of September 1943) the "Independent State of Croatia" was expanded and so were its regions. In this expansion, region of Vrhbosna gained 7 counties, 4 county offices and 54 municipalities. Newly gained counties were: Čajniče, Foča, Rogatica, Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Višegrad and Vlasenica, along with county offices in Prača, Goražde, Kalinovik and Trnovo. Published guide: SARIĆ Samija, Arhivski fond Velike župe Vrhbosna, Glasnik arhiva i Društva arhivskih radnika Bosne i Hercegovine, god 14-15, no. 14-15, Sarajevo 1974-1975, pg. 37-42.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • ba-002183-vžv
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