Files of the Comité Juif d'Epuration. Collection
After the liberation of Belgium the Jewish community was confronted with accusations against a number of community members suspected of collaboration with the Nazis. The Comité de Défense des Juifs (Jewish Defence Committee or CDJ) and its successor, the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG), established an unofficial Comité Juif d’Epuration. This team – which included members such as Paul Halter and Max Wulfowicz – collected testimonies which shed light on the actions of (supposed) Jewish collaborators. In some cases the committee also collected evidence to rehabilitate an accused. The Comité Juif d'Epuration compiled a file during every investigation. If consistent evidence of collaboration was found, the committee transferred the complete file to the Belgian Judiciary, leaving only some remnant documents in their own archives. By the end of 1946 political disagreements with left Zionist movements led to the abolition of the committee. Series of files compiled by the Comité Juif d'Epuration (Jewish Purification Committee) in Brussels, while investigating accusations against Jews in Belgium regarding (presumed) collaboration with the Nazis. This collection is only accessible at the Kazerne Dossin documentation centre, upon approval by the head of the research department of a motived request submitted by the researcher. Contact Kazerne Dossin Documentation Centre:
- Archief
- be-002157-kd_00066
- Reconstruction
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