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Agudath Israel Congregation fonds

Minutes within 10 years of creation are open to only members of the Agudath Israel Congregation. Fonds consists of the administrative records of the synagogue including minutes, annual meetings, financial, bulletins and the rich programming of the Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Malca Pass Library. Files contain: Minutes of the Board 1949-1986, 1993-2007, Annual Meetings - 1949-1986, 1991-2007, General Meetings, 1953-1981, various committees, 1955-1996; Bulletins (1948- 2009 with some gaps), Agudath Israel Men’s Club, (1961-1980); Sisterhood membership, (1938-1940,1956 - 1987), minutes of meetings, (1955-1997), Newsletters, (1955- 1984), Cinderella Ball, (1962-1983), Nearly New Shop (1968-2000) and other programs; history and milestones, (1949-1989); religious material and synagogue programs, (1955-1989); building records, (1953-1963); financial statements, (1961,1962.1973); Congregation membership, (1955-1980); correspondence by subject, Rabbi Fine (1982-1988) and some Congregation Presidents, (1958-1986); Malca Pass Library minutes of meetings (1984-1996) and book discussion material. BOX 1 Constitution - 1941-1982; Legal Contracts/Documents: Lapierre Ave, Architectural Drawings; Board of Trustees Minutes - 1949-1979; Quarterly and Annual General Meetings - 1980-1986 and 1992-2007; BOX 2 - Minutes General Board Meeting Minutes - 1949-1986; BOX 3 - Minutes General Board Meeting Minutes - 1993-2007; BOX 4 Board/Committee Membership Lists 1962 - 1985 A. H. Lieff Cultural Fund Committee Adult Education Committee Art & Decor, Furnishings, House Committee Holocaust Memorial Sculpture Committee Building and Planning Committee 1955 - 1963 Building Committee 1963 - 1965 Building Committee - Addition 1966 - 1968 Catering Committee 1961 - 1980 Finance Committee 1954 - 1956 Judaic Enrichment Committee Membership Committee Ritual Committee 1961 - 1969 Ritual Committee 1977 - 1981 Ritual Committee 1982 - 1984 Ritual Committee 1985 - 1992 Ritual Committee 1993 - 1996 Social Action And Public Policy 1992 - 2002 Strategic Planning 1995 - 1996 Youth Committee 1965 - 1966, 1977 - 1984 Amalgamation Task Force - 2013 Miscellaneous Committees BOX 5 Financial Statements 1955 - 1965, 1966 - 1972, 1978 - 1980 Financial Receipts 1975 - 1980 Financial Contributions to Other Religious Organizations 1974 - 1981 Seat Rentals 1975 - 1976 Financial Cemetery Trees Cemetery Sections Miscellaneous Programs Brownies and Scouts Camp Ramah Choir Refugees (Boat People) Shabbat Dinner Special Shabbatot Theatre Programs Youth Programs BOX 6 Congregation Membership Lists 1943 – 1998 (divided into three files); Conference on Intermarriage 1973; Genealogical Records for Aliyot – Alphabetical 1978; High Holiday Arrangements – Special and Extra Services 1975-1976; List - Lulav and Etrog 1975-1979; Applications for Memorial/Yahrzeit Plaques 1972 – 1980; Correspondence re: Memorial/Yahrzeit Plaques 1972 – 1980; Shabbat/Sabbath – Handbills, Brochures 1938-1982; Correspondence re: Bar/Bat Mitzvah- 1993 – 2013; Lists Bar/Bat Mitzvah 1972 – 1983; Bar/Bat Mitzvah Dates 1981- 1990; Bar/Bat Mitzvah Dates (with gaps) - 1992 - 2012; Ritual – Geniza Germany – Burial of Books; Passover 1976; Simhat Torah Newsletters and Handbills form other Congregations 1955-1956, 1969, 1983; Publications 1961, 1977; Rabbi Roy D. Tannenbaum 1974, 1976; United Synagogue of Israel – Conservative 1978-1979; United Synagogue of America 1965-1966, 1981; Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1965-2017 (large gaps); Rabbi B. Friedberg correspondence re: Kallah March 1966; Education 1956, 1959 and Proposal for a Conservative Day School for A.T. – B. Shinder 1973 Miscellaneous Awards & Certificates - 1985 - ; Lists - Miscellaneous 1955-1960, 1971-1974, 1977-1978; Sisterhood – Torah Fund 1958 – 1995; BOX 7: Correspondence series Correspondence - 1958-2011; BOX 8: Bulletins, 1948 - 1979 BOX 9: Bulletins, 1980 - 1999 BOX 10: Various Publications including: Bulletins, 2000 - 2014; Yizkor Services, 2004; Sabbath and High Holiday Services Expansion of Women's Participation in Torah Services Correspondence - 1996, 2004-2007 (with gaps) Shabbat Sheets - 1995; Shabbat Sheets - 1996; Shabbat Sheets - September 1998 - December 1999; Shabbat Bulletins - January 25, 2008 - Schedule of Services 2003- 2008; Communiques - Search for new clergy - 2011, Amalgamation with Beth Shalom - 2015; BOX 11: History and Milestones History and Milestones: 1949-1989; BOX 12: Men’s Club Minutes - 1960-1969; Constitution, Lists and Correspondence - 1960-1982; Bulletins and Programs; BOX 13: Malca Pass Library: History, Minutes (1965-1974), (1984-1991), (1992-1996), (1997-2005) Music Sub-committee Minutes 1993, Correspondence 1985-1998, Human Resources/Staffing - Restricted, Memorial Funds 1993, Book Club Membership Lists 1990 - 2005, Book Discussion Group (1989-1993), (1994-1997), (1997-2004) Articles, Misc. 1964-1975 BOX 14: Agudath Israel Sisterhood Minutes Blank Letterhead and Envelopes; By-Laws 1955-1958 - Executive Board Meeting Minutes 1962 - 1997 - separate files of Board and general Meeting Minutes [no year contains complete records of meetings] Sisterhood suspended June 25, 1997 BOX 15: Agudath Israel Sisterhood Cinderella Ball Scrapbooks 1980 Green Album: Cinderella Ball - contains program, guest lists, minutes of organizational meetings, correspondence, seating plan, menu, pictures. 1975 Red Album: Cinderella Ball - contains program, correspondence 1972 Blue Scrapbook: program, guest list, correspondence 1971 Yellow Hilroy Exercise Book: guest list, minutes, correspondence, flyers 1970 Extra large Scrapbook: guest list, correspondence, flyer [unboxed] April 1960 Scrapbook: “The Jewish House Beautiful” Extra Large Financial records 1964-1965; 1967-1968 1961-1972 X Large Blue Album: flyers, news articles, sisterhood information 1972-1973 Blue Album: Program flyers 1973 – large Sisterhood Photo BOX 16: Agudath Israel Sisterhood Nearly New Shop /Cinderella Ball 2 plaques: 1) Newspaper article (undated) about Nearly New Shop and Mgr Beryl Ben-Reuven; 2) article from Kitchissippi Times Mar 2005 about the Nearly New Shop and Mgr Sharon Fitch. Turquoise Folder - Historical Mementos of Nearly New Shop Red Binder 2000-2005 advertising ads for NN shop A: Nearly New Files: 1) Correspondence – Undated – 3 thank you notes Undated – contact numbers for emergencies 2003 – Procedures - Tikvah program 2002 – Alarm System July, 2000 – thank you note for a donation of t-shirts to a girl’s camp. September, 1997 - October, 2000 – Purchase of recycling material from Nearly New Shop by Salvation Army Ottawa Nov 2000 – packing slip Nov 1999 – window cleaning 1998 – 2 order forms 1999 – Jobs Connect May, 1997 - ?? June 13, 1997 – thank you note for a typewriter June 18, 1997 – thank you note re children’s clothing sent to Le Pedrera, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala 2) 1996-2006 – Blue Account Book of Sales 3) Financial Statements – June 30, 1965 - June 30, 1975 — official financial statements June 30, 1968 - 2 copies plus written notes re CB June 30, 1998-June 30, 1999 — official financial statements July 31, 1976 — rough (unaudited) statements of income and expenses 1982 – “ ” 1984 – xerox copies of income and expenses; deposits and receipts 1993-1997 – Comparative graphs – gross receipts 1995-1998 – Comparative Graphs 1996-1998 – “ ” 1998-2002 – “ ” 4) 1977-1980 — List of Nearly New credit accrued to AGI sisterhood members 5) undated – handwritten instructions (no name) for Nearly New dinner event 1985 correspondence March 18, 1999 meeting minutes May 2, 2000 meeting minutes B: Cinderella Ball files: 1) Undated - correspondence 1970-1983 – correspondence with souvenir program advertisers 1976-1983 – correspondence re prizes for CB 2) Financial Statements 1969, 1971-1974, 1976, 1978-1979, 1981-1982 – Audited statements 1966-1971, 1975-1980 — Unaudited statements [2 copies 1979] 1966-1973 – Comparative reports 3) 1973, 1976, 1977 (2) – Floor Plans, guest lists, RSVP’s 4) General File – Undated items on duties of CB committee 1976, 1977, 1981 - Scripts and songs 1976, 1978-1980 – musician’s guild contracts 1974, 1975-1981 – written introduction comments 1975, 1981 – debriefing notes 5) 1966-1983 CB Invitational Flyers 6) 1966-1971 – CB invitations (signed by guests) 7) undated CB lists; 1974-1981 – CB Lists 8) no date – debriefing notes 1976-1983 – meeting minutes 9) CB flyers, several programs, RSVP’s 10) 1963 Publicity Scrapbooks – 1964-1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1973-1974. 1963-1983 inclusive – Loose programs for CB 11) First CB (1962) – Speech/Souvenirs Box 17: Agudath Israel Sisterhood 1) Undated: “On the Question of Women in the Synagogue” Anon Apr 30, 1974 Address (7 pages) given by Rose Kiesler, Eastern Canadian Conference 1984 Thank you speech Anon Agudath Israel Sisterhood Bulletins 2) 1950s 1955, Feb 15 1957, Dec, Sept 1958, Mar, May, Sept 1959, Jan, Apr, May 3) 1960s 1960- 1961Sisterhood inserts from the Agudath Israel Bulletin 1964, May 1965, Oct, Nov 1966, May, Nov 1967, Jan 1968, Jan, Nov, Dec 1969, Jan, Feb, Mar 4) 1970s 1970, Jan, Feb 1971, Nov 1972, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov 1973, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Sept, Oct-Nov, Dec 1974, Jan, Feb, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 1975, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Oct, Nov, Dec 1976, Jan, Feb, mar, Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 1977, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, Dec 1978, Jan, Feb, Apr, June, Sept, Nov, Dec 1979, Feb?, Mar, May, June, Oct, Nov, Dec 1980s 1980, May, Nov 1983, Oct, Nov 1984, Mar, Apr, May 5) Chanuka Gelt Luncheons Undated material 1953 - flyer 1974-1978 – Reports 198?-1990 – flyers 6) General Correspondence i) 1966-1983 ii) 1984-1995 7) Financial Statements 1955 Bank Book 1956-1958 1962, 1969-1974, 1976-1978, 1980, 1984 Financial disbursements lists 1966-1969 Handwritten Finance notes – 1984, 1985 8) Sept 1989 – 40th anniversary of Sisterhood Speech (anon) 9) Installation - 1965-1966 1981 10) Minutes Undated notes plus report on Tikvah program of Camp Ramah May 18, 1977 Meeting with Vice-Presidents June 15, 1977 Meeting with Rabbi June 22, 1977 re Program June 29, 1977 re Program; Inge Hoffman presiding June 24, 1977 Correspondence, Women’s Cttee of the Ottawa Va’ad July 12, 1977 “ “ “ Oct 26, 1977 “ “ “ Jan 17, 1978 “ “ “ March 13, 1978 Book Fair Committee March 29, 1978 JCC Ottawa correspondence April 25, 1978 Youth Commission Meeting 11) Officers and Members of Sisterhood - Lists 1938-1939 1956-1961 1965-1966, 1967-1968 1973-1974, 1976, 1977-1979 1980-1987? Sisterhood Program Flyers 12) 1950s 13) 1960s 14) 1970s 15) 1980s Eclectic, not complete 16) 1975-1976 Recipes 17) Reports on Sisterhood Presidency experience 1948-1949, Elsie Baker 1956, Claire Fogel 1960, Sandra Ritter 1964-1966, Jen Shinder 1966-1969, Dorothy Lieff 1969-1971, Millie Wolfe 1971-1973, Miriam Levitin 1975-1976, Sandra Levinson?? Reports – 1962-1963, 1964-1965, 1977 plus report on Malca Library Report on National Biennial Convention - 1972, 1974, 1976 President’s Reports – 1974-1975, 1977 Sisterhood report – 1976, Oct 1977, Oct 1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1984-1985 Report on Book review Series – Sept 1977 18) 1983 Women’s Rosh Chodesh Minyan 19) Dec 9, 1978 Tapestry Dedication Meeting Minutes (incomplete), Notes, Pictures, Shabbat Service thanking craftswomen, newspaper articles Box 18: Correspondence between Agudath Israel Sisterhood and The Women's League for Conservative Judaism, Torah Fund Box 19: Agudath Israel Sisterhood Photographs 1973 Cinderella Ball, Adele Shinder, Chair 1976-1977 Sisterhood 1977-1978 Inge Hoffman, President 1978 Cally Kardish, President 1978 Cinderella Ball Tapestry Slides 1979 Cinderella Ball 1979-1980 Sisterhood Event, Cally Kardish, President 1981 Cinderella Ball 1983 Cinderella Ball 1987 Chanuka Luncheon; Easter Brunch Meeting May 1988 Negatives Rabbi Fine Eulogies, unveilings, speeches and correspondence described in separate fonds. 28 CD's containing photographs of various events at Agudath Israel by Sylvia Klein. Some programs and events include: Agudath participation in Walkathon and Aviv Festival 2004 and 2005, Tov Breakfast 2009 Minyancers, Dr. David Brooks, Cantor Concert, Bat Mitzvah Ladies, Margo Rostron VIP Luncheon, Purim 2006, "Wishman" Luncheon 2007, Rabbi Wayne Allen 2005, Honourable Herb Gray, Cantor Shneur M. Bielak, Bertram Loeb, Professor Kaplan on Heschel 2005, Rabbi Arnold Fine Retirement Dinner 2004, Adult Education 2004 with Rabbi Wayne Allen, Pizmon Choir 2005, Purim 2007 etc. OS: Index of drawings, site plan, finish and door schedules for synagogue addition c. 1965 by architect firm Hazelgrove, Lithwick, Lambert & Sim (located in scrolls) OS: Architectural plan for residence of the Rabbi (located in scrolls) B&W photograph of either the Agudath Israel Sisterhood or the Cinderella Ball? - 1973 (see 5-332). In September of 1932, 16 families living in the newly developed west end of Ottawa met in Jacob Taller’s mattress factory for High Holy Day services. The group started meeting for daily and Shabbat services in the homes of Alex Kelman and Shnair Blushinsky. In 1936, the group decided to organize itself into a permanent congregation chartered under the name of Congregation Agudath Israel. With the expansion of the Jewish community into the west end of Ottawa, the congregation was growing rapidly and soon outgrew its small sanctuary. In 1948, a building at 30 Rosemount was purchased. Expansion was swift: the religious school had over 100 children; youth groups, including Brownies and Boy Scouts, were started; the Men’s Club held regular Sunday morning meetings; there was an active Sisterhood. Mixed seating was introduced in the early 1950s. In 1951, the synagogue became affiliated with the United Synagogue of America movement. As the congregation continued to grow, the synagogue purchased eight acres of land between Coldrey Avenue and Laperriere Avenue to construct a new building. By 1966, the complex was completed with the dedication of the new sanctuary. (Copied from the Kehillat Beth Israel Web site in 2018). Founders of the Agudath Israel Congregation - 1938 Jacob Taller - first minyan Harry Leikin Alexander Kelman Morris Goldberg S. Blueshinsky N. Kalin S. Tanner M. Kilinovsky Abraham Borts Max Cooper David Rubin Israel Hartman Jacob Ages Morris Feldberg S. Dieks J. Gruvick Synagogue Presidents 1936-42 Harry Leikin 1942-47 Morris Goldberg 1947-63 Abraham Lieff 1963-65 David Loeb 1965-66 Casey Swedlove 1966-68 Stanley Katz 1968-70 Israel Shinder 1970-71 Jack Vinokur 1971-73 Norman Potechin Sisterhood Presidents 1936-46 Mrs. Alex Kelman 1947-48 Mrs. Harry Leikin 1948-49 Mrs. Harry Baker 1949-54 Mrs. Norman Loeb 1954-55 Mrs. Julius Leikin 1955-58 Mrs. Henry Pass 1958-59 Mrs. Bert Migicovsky 1959-60 Mrs. Sam Rothberg 1960-61 Mrs. Robert Ritter 1961-63 Mrs. Jack Fogel 1963-64 Mrs. Stanley Katz 1964-66 Mrs. Israel Shinder 1966-69 Mrs. Max Lieff 1969-71 Mrs. Ted Wolfe 1971-73 Mrs. Nathan Levitin Men's Club Presidents 1946-59 Ben Flesher 1959-60 Phil Sugarman 1960-61 Al LaPorter 1961-62 Israel Shinder 1962-63 Arnold Greenberg 1963-64 Jack Vinokur 1964-66 Jack Feiner 1966-67 Jack Binder 1967-69 Norman Potechin 1969-70 Leonard Dworkin 1970-71 Percy Levine 1971-73 Jack Gordon

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • ca-006572-c0005
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