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Okresní úřad Beroun

partly accessible The fonds contains documents from the activities of the district office: registry finding aids, files, and accounting material. Mentions of Jews can be found in Group VII, Education, Religious, matrimonial, register and fund matters 1936-1948: inv. no. 61 Jewish religious communities, and group X, Agricultural, hunting, forestry and water management matters inv. no. 468 X/1 Applications for registration of Jewish Property - 67. The presidium files of the District Office in Beroun are the most valuable part of the fonds. The registry contains the subject group Jews. Specifically, they are: documents concerning anti-Jewish riots in the district in 1866: - inv. no. 18 - A report about anti-Jewish riots; inv. no. 19 Selling sticks to Jews to defend themselves "when being attacked"; inv. no. 20 Anti-Jewish songs; inv. no. 21/inv. no. 22 /inv. no. 25/inv. no. 27/inv. no. 30/inv. no. 35/inv. no. 36/ inv. no. 37/inv. no. 38 - Anti-Jewish riots; inv. no. 39 Position of rabbi - Samuel Pražák of Rakovník (1867); inv. no. 345 Migration of Jews from Germany (1936); inv. no. 250 Collection of files concerning Jews (marking of shops, list of Jewish enterprises, contact of Jews and Aryans, etc.) 1941; inv. no. 303 Anti-Jewish slogans on houses (1939); inv. no. 1672 Seizure of radios from Jews (1939). The Beroun District Office was established in 1855, when the political administration was merged with the district court, the so-called mixed district office. In 1868, the mixed district offices were abolished and one large district was established - the Hořovice district, which included areas in the previous years administered by the district offices in Beroun, Hořovice and Zbiroh. The Beroun region was part of the Hořovice district until 1936, when an independent political district of Beroun was established. In 1960, the District National Committee was established in Beroun. Holeček J.: Okresní úřad Beroun 1850-1950. Inventář, 1963, 67 s., ev. č. 21. Drtinová S. – Holeček J.: Okresní úřad Beroun – Presidiální spisy 1855-1938. Katalog, 1972, 49 s., ev. č. 22. Drtinová S. – Holeček J.: Okresní úřad Beroun – Presidiální spisy 1939-1945. Katalog, 1972, 49 s., ev. č. 23. Garkisch M.: Okresní úřad Beroun – Dodatky 1850-1945 (1966). Dočasní invetář, 1998, 19 s., ev. č. 835.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • cz-002227-2
  • Anti-Jewish riots
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