Report on conditions in Camp du Vernet by Francois Bondy
François Bondy was born in 1915, the son of Fritz Bondy, a Prague-born man of letters and of the theatre, who moved to Switzerland with his family on account of his wife's health. François became a journalist, was editor of a Parisian economics periodical in 1934 and member of the editorial team of a French political newspaper in 1935. He was interned in May 1940 in <em>Camp du Vernet</em> along with the author, Arthur Koestler. After his release he studied <em>Germanistik</em> in Paris and sociology in Zürich, where he also worked as an editor for <em>Weltwoche</em>. After the Berlin Congress on 'Cultural Freedom', 1950, in which he took an actve part, Bondy settled in Paris where he was the publisher of the cultural newspaper <em>Preuves</em>. He turned this information sheet into one of France's leading cultural periodicals. By the late 1960s he had become a leading writer on cultural affairs, appearing on radio and television and many leading European newspapers and periodicals. <p>Report on conditions in <em><span style="font-style: normal;">Camp du Vernet, Ariège</span> </em>, France, written by Francois Bondy. This typescript report about life in <em><span style="font-style: normal;"> Camp du Vernet, Ariège</span> </em>, France, is in French and dated 2 August 1940, Geneva. It has been annotated 'Not for Publication', 'Confidential'. Bondy also adds as a postscript that the facts contained in the report can be confirmed by the 'six Swiss who were repatriated with him'.</p> Open
- Archief
- gb-003348-wl1018
- Bondy, Francois
- Le Vernet (internment camp)
- France
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