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Frieda Morris: Copy family papers

<p>Copy family correspondence with translations<br />Yiddish and English<br /></p><p>The correspondence consists of letters between Frieda Morris' grandmother and father in Poland and her brother and uncle in London.</p> 'M. Shire' was Frieda's father's uncle, a staunch Zionist, who attended the first ever Zionist Congress and named his first son (now deceased) Theodor Herzl. The 'Favel' of the letter dated 11 Nov 1901 (Frieda thinks) must be her late father. The 'Esther Rivka' of the same letter was his eldest sister, and (Frieda assumes) the photograph referred to is a wedding photograph, the groom being Nathan Glanz, Russian/ Polish from Warsaw, a professional musician. The couple settled in New York. The 'Fishel' in the letter of 15 October 1901 was her late father, the eldest surviving son of her grandmother, Fraidel. Her father came to Great Britain in 1902, and eventually with the help of his uncle Mendel Myer, brought over the rest of the family. Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl1084
  • Morris, Frieda
  • Family documents [doc]
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