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Nuremberg war crimes trials: Reports and other papers

<span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Readers need to book&nbsp; a reading room terminal to access this digital content</strong>&nbsp;</span> <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Readers need to book&nbsp; a reading room terminal to access this digital content</strong>&nbsp;</span><br /></p><p>This collection consists of mostly original documents relating to the Nuremberg Trial of the major German war crminals. The papers in this collection are those which she had worked on and which had been in her desk when she left.<br /><br />The bulk of the material appears to be a case for the indictment broken down into 6 parts covering such offences as war crimes, crimes against Jews, and the plunder of art treasures. Each case is supported by argument and reference to documentary evidence. The names of the individuals responsible for the preparation and presentation of each part of the indictment (or each sub-section as the case may be) are given on the frontispiece along with their signatures and date.<br /><br />The remaining material includes translations and descriptions of documents referred to in the case for indictment, also a copy of the indictment with attached corrections.</p> Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl1209
  • International Military Tribunal
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