Dachau: Report by former inmate, and prisoners' possessions list
This collection comprises two separate deposits: a copy report by a former inmate, Eric Walters, of Dachau and Buchenwald, on conditions in those camps and a microfilm collection of proforma lists of Dachau inmates' possessions.<p>According to a note at the beginning of the report, Eric Walters, the author, mentions that it was written between March and October 1939, after he was released from Buchenwald. The report entitled <em>Tiere bewachen Menschen</em> has been published in English under the title <em>Monsters and Men</em>.</p><p>The provenance of the microfilm lists of Dachau prisoners' possessions is unknown. The 75 lists are arranged alphabetically and contain the following details: name, prisoner number, date and place of birth, date of entry, prisoner type (ie SCH= Schutzhäftling- protective custody; AZR= Arbeitszwang Reich- forced labour by Reich order; PSV= Polizeiliche Sicherungsverwahrung- police security prisoner).</p><p>/1: Report entitled Tiere bewachen Menschen, by Eric Walters (1939)<br />German 12 pages<br /><br />/2: Reminiscences of life in the army entitled CPL Sunshine and other stories, by Eric Walters<br /><br />/3: Lists of possessions of Dachau prisoners, 23 Feb 1940-17 Sep 1942<br />German MF Doc 54/ Reel 31 56 frames<br /></p> For 581/3 R:\Document collections\MF54\Working images\31 frames 676-753 Open
- Archief
- gb-003348-wl581
- Dachau (concentration camp)
- Walters-Kohn, Eric
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