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Myer Jack Landa: Papers

Myer Jack Landa was born in Leeds in 1874. He married Gertrude Gordon, sister of Samuel Gordon, the writer. The two of them published a number of novels and plays together; she often under the pseudonym of Aunt Naomi. His principal interests seem to have been the portrayal of the Jew and Jewish life in theatre and the importance of Palestine as the centre of Jewish of life. This collection of miscellaneous papers, press cuttings and journal articles provides a fragmentary glimpse into the life of Myer Jack Landa, a British Jewish writer and long time sketch writer in the Press Gallery at the House of Commons. His interest in a number of organisations is reflected here, in particular that of The Jewish Fund for Soviet Russia Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl622
  • Landa, M.J.
  • Great Britain
  • Letters
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