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Jews in Salonika: copy list of shop owners

This apparently complete (copy) list of Jewish shop owners in Salonika, 1943, came to light as a result of investigations into Kurt Waldheim's role during the Second World War. The Greek Ministry of Justice offered the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece all the files of the former office for the Distribution of Jewish Property, set up by the occupation authorities in 1943. The list comprises the names of shop keepers, their addresses and the nature of their businesses. In late 1987 Mark Mazower, the depositor, was given access to the material, which had not apparently been seen since the war.</div><br /><br /><div>The list is based on information provided by the Jewish community in Salonika in March 1943 to the Axis authorities. Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl692
  • Jews
  • Thessaloniki
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