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Papers re 'Gerechtigkeit', an Austrian anti-Nazi publication

The collection consists of 4 letters from the offices of the publishers of <i>Gerechtigkeit</i>, an Austrian anti-racist publication. In addition there is an apparently unrelated note about the Austrian Office, a body supported by the bulk of Austrian liberals, Austrian legitimists and some Austrian socialists. The letters in this collection are also evidence of the organisers' desire to create an international anti-nazi movement. Moritz Zalman, responds to a letter at 735/1, because his colleague, Irene Harand is in Poland. The letter itself is addressed to a professor in Amsterdam. The letter at 735/2 is concerned with raising financial support and is also addressed to Amsterdam. The pro-forma letter at 735/4 also deals with raising financial support abroad. Gerechtigkeit</i> was a weekly newspaper the first issue of which was published in September 1933. It was founded by Irene Harand, an Austrian, who was also co-founder of <i>Weltverband gegen Rassenhass und Menschennot</i>. The paper was published for about 5 years and for part of the time in several European languages. <i>Gerechtigkeit</i> had a simple philosemitic message: anti-semitism was a moral outrage not only against Jews but also against Christian ideals; Nazism was a pagan movement, which, if not halted, would destroy European civilization Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl735
  • Austria
  • Letters
  • Harand, Irene
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