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Heinrich Kraschutski: copy correspondence concerning his fate

The letters deal with the fate of Heinrich Richard Albrecht Kraschutski, formerly commander in the German navy, 1914-1918, becoming a prominent figure in the pacifist movement in Germany after the First World War, and co-editor of the pacifist weekly, <em>Das Andere Deutschland</em>, the publication of which was regarded as particularly pernicious and treacherous by the <em>Reichswehr</em> because of its disclosures of violations of the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He went to Majorca and together with a small group of other anti-nazi refugees opened a little workshop of arts and crafts at Palma. When the Franco coup succeeded in Majorca the Royal Navy brought most anti-nazi exiles to safety but local German nazis managed to prevent the rescue of Kraschutski, who was forbidden by the Spanish police from embarking. After 1940 any trace of Kraschutski was lost until early 1944 when he was dicovered to be languishing in a Spanish jail.<br><br>This correspondence between the Emergency-Bureau for the Rescue of German Anti-Nazi Refugees and the British Foreign Office documents the attempts made to effect the passage of Kraschutski into safe hands. Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl838
  • Letters
  • Kraschutski, Heinrich Richard Albrecht
  • Spain
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