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Max Landenberger: copy documents re property in Nüremberg

Max Landenberger and his wife Frieda owned a house at Burgschmietstrasse 12, Nürnberg, which was mortgaged for RM 40,000. In November 1938 Max was arrested and sent to Dachau. Frieda was forced to go to the 'Brown House', the Nazi Headquarters, where she was made to sign a contract for the sale of their house to <em>Gauleiter</em> Hölz for the sum of RM 4,000. This they achieved by making her do physical exercises for several hours to break her will to resist. Her husband also signed the contract after his release from Dachau. The 'purchase price' of RM 4,000 was never paid. This collection of copy documents is an example of the way in which the Nazis forcibly appropriated Jewish property under the guise of a legitimate transaction into which both parties freely entered. Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl842
  • Expropriation
  • Landesberger, Max
  • Third Reich [1933-1945]
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