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M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region

M.52.DAKherO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kherson Region
 History of the Archives:
 The special archival committee of the Kherson district was established in April 1922, which was subordinate to the archival committee of the Mykolaiv sub-division. The committee became subordinate to the archival committee of the Odessa sub-division in 1922. In November 1925 the archival committee became subordinate to the regional archival administration of Kherson, which began its work in October 1926. The regional archival administration underwent reorganizing and became a local archival administration of Kherson in October 1930. The State Historic Archives of Kherson was established in February 1932, and became subordinate to the archival administration of the NKVD UkrSSR in the Mykolaiv region as of March 1938. In March 1944 the Kherson branch of the State Archives of the Mykolaiv region became the new State Archives of the Kherson region. In October 1958 the name of the archive was changed to the Regional State Archives in Kherson. The name of the archive was again called the State Archives of the Kherson Region, in August 1980. 
 The Sub-Record Group includes documentation of the district Executive Committee regarding the Jewish population in Kherson during 1925-1926. Survey reports of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in Kherson, regarding the imposition of anti-Jewish decrees and restrictions; establishment of the ghetto; deportation of Jews to forced labor; mass murder of Jews in autumn 1941; excerpt from a testimony regarding the method of murder; the number of people who perished; several names of physicians; mention of incidents of suicide; information regarding discipline in the POW camps and the location of the camps; mortality of inmates; number of inmates; official documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, and reports including the dates and places of the murder of Jews, torture, the methods of murder by the SS battalion from Kalinindorf; statistical reports regarding the murdered people, including mention of gender and age; exhumation reports; names of Nazi war criminals and collaborators; documentation regarding the villages and Kolkhozy of Bolshoy Kut, Sholom Aleykhem, Berislav, Krasnoye, Mendeldorf, Emes and Fraileben.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • il-002798-10597520
  • <>,<>,Nikolayev,Ukraine (USSR)
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