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O.13 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Bulgaria, mainly from the Holocaust period

O.13 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Bulgaria, mainly from the Holocaust period
 In the Record Group there is documentation regarding what happened to Bulgarian Jewry during the 20th century, primarily regarding various subjects from the Holocaust period.
 The documentation was submitted mainly by private individuals, and it includes:
 - Documentation regarding anti-Jewish legislation in Bulgaria and Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV) activities;
 - Documentation of Jewish Community institutions and various government offices; 
 - Lists of Jews according to their places of residence and deportation lists during the war;
 - Documentation regarding the confiscation of Jewish property and the Jewish labor battalions in Bulgaria;
 - Memoirs;
 - Photographs;
 - German documentation regarding the Jews and anti-Jewish policy in Bulgaria;
 - Documentation from the People's Court in Bulgaria after World War II;
 - Essay by Haim Keshales regarding what happened to the Jews of Bulgaria.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • il-002798-4019572
  • Balkan Countries,<>,<>,<>
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