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Orhei Town Hall

Îndrumătorul Arhivei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova (partea II-a, 1918 – începutul secolului XXI, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi completată). Chişinău, 2012: 49 No restrictions on access City Hall orders for the organization of air defense of the city; mayor’s orders for mandatory registration of the city’s population with the police; list of city residents repressed by the Soviet authorities; correspondence on the restoration of destroyed buildings; list of Orhei residents mobilized into the Romanian army; governance guidelines for the improvement of the cemetery for the dead Romanian soldiers; lists of residents of Orhei who filed for a change of names and surnames; statements for the payment of benefits to families mobilized in the Romanian army; the list of traders exempt from mobilization in the Romanian army; correspondence on mobilization; decision of the pension department of the City Hall on the appointment and statements for the issuance of pensions to relatives of the Romanian soldiers who died in the WWII Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use)

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • md-002886-1427_1
  • Official documentation
  • Orhei
  • Registration of Jews
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