Cahul County Tribunal
Cahul County Tribunal was established on October 9, 1918, by the decree of the Romanian government No. 2770. The county tribunal adjudicated for crimes in accordance with civil and criminal codes, with the exception of crimes that were in the jurisdiction of the rural magistrate's court. The Cahul district tribunal was divided into 2 departments - criminal and civil one. In 1926, the 3rd division was formed - commercial one, as well as the notarial office. In 1928, a guardianship department was formed, and in 1932 - the 4th division. At the tribunal, there was a prosecutor's office, which consisted of the chief prosecutor and two or three of his deputies. The Caрul County Tribunal was considering a case if the crime was committed on the territory of the county, or the offender resided there or was caught at the crime scene Public access, no restrictions on access Îndrumătorul Arhivei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova (partea II-a, 1918 – începutul secolului XXI, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi completată). Chişinău, 2012: 52 General affairs of the tribunal (including cases of petitions submitted by residents of the county to change their names/surnames); general affairs of the Cahul tribunal’s prosecutor’s office (including statistical data on the activities of the tribunal; lists of persons authorized to carry arms; correspondence with the police and doctors of Cahul and the county about internment of the demented people to a psychiatric hospital); questionnaire department of the tribunal; cases that confirm the date of birth (including the cases of Mavergaz Sarra, Roitman Gersh, etc.), cases that confirm the fact of marriage (including the cases of Weisfeld Israel and Weisfeld Basia and others); divorce cases; cases of approval of the division of property; expropriation cases; abortion cases; murder cases; cases of falsification of documents; cases of speculation; business registration cases (including registration of the butcher shop owned by Eisenberg Ioyl; the grocery store owned by Bixman Solomon; the bakery owned by Brunstein Joseph, the bakery owned by Vitenstein Nahman; the bakery owned by Gold Haim; the manufactory owned by Dorfman Mendel; the grocery store owned by Cogan Avram; the grain shop owned by Schafer Leiser; the grain and fodder shop owned by Steinberg Khava and others), etc. Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use)
- Archief
- md-002886-1511_1
- Official documentation
- Cahul
- Jewish owned businesses
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