Lăpușna district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and primarias
Public access, no restrictions on access Îndrumătorul Arhivei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova (partea II-a, 1918 – începutul secolului XXI, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi completată). Chişinău, 2012 Copies at USHMM RG-54.006M Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use) Correspondence with Ministry of Internal Affairs and sub prefectures regarding passport regime and control of foreign subjects; files on the issuing of foreign passport to the locals of Lăpușna district; materials about the firing of workers who did not pass the exam of Romanian language; the list of praying houses and number of members of sects in the district in years 1923‐26; files of the permission to leave the country for the locals of Lăpușna district; documents, requests, correspondence with the Ministry of Internal affairs regarding the transfer of confiscated property to the prefecture, the opening of restaurants, taverns; materials of the Romanian language examination of the officials of prefecture and zemstva; materials on the Romanian language examination of the officials of Lăpușna district; correspondence with the Ministry of cults, preturas and primaria regarding the issues of cults; correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania and preturas regarding the issue of acquiring the Romanian citizenship for Bessarabians; materials on the examination of the officials of the district with the goal of Romanization of apparatus of Bessarabia and Bucovina; the list of persons who passed the exam; materials on the exam to acquire the right to hold a position in state apparatus; the file of the election of the delegate of the permanent commission from Ursoaia village, Parapir David; lists of the households in the villages of the district; the files on the appeals of the locals of Lăpușna district to get confirmed their Romanian citizenship; the copies of IDs issued to the citizens who refused Romanian citizenship; the correspondence with subprefecture regarding the persons who expressed desire to leave the country; the files of permissions to the inhabitants of Lăpușna district to exist the country; materials of the examination of population’s complains and the [right] of posting announcements; the list of officials of Lăpușna district who are required to take a Romanian language exam; the files of Calaraș electoral section votes’ counting for election in the Senate; the files Calaraș electoral section votes’ counting for the parliamentarian elections; the list of electorate of the second section of Chișinăucity for the Senate election; information about the charitable societies in the city of Chișinău and their activity; the correspondence of the Ministry of the interior, preturas and primarias regarding the elucidation of population’s citizenship; the correspondence with Inspectorate General of Siguranța about the people who intend to receive foreign passports; lists of associations, unions, clubs, and other musical, educational, sport, or charitable social organizations situated on the territory of Lăpușna district; the correspondence with the Ministry of cults regarding the verification of people of non‐Christian religion and members of sects; the files of the examination of the locals’ requests to open commercial spots and involve in manufacturing; documents about the issuance of permissions to organize celebrations, meetings, parties for charitable purposes; the list of societies and unions of the district; the list of societies and associations in Calaraș town and plasa Ialoveni; the correspondence with the Ministry of external affairs and foreign consulates about foreign subjects living on the territory of the district; the correspondence with the Ministry of internal affairs, preturas and primarias regarding the control of foreign subjects; documents on issuing permission to the locals from the district to open slaughter houses, meat shops and mills; documents on the issuing and prolonging patents to the owners of taverns and restaurants; the correspondence with Calaraș police regarding administrative and staff issues; files of the examination of the requests to get permission to sell alcoholic beverages; surveillance files on the activity of the religious communities and praying houses from the district; scrutiny files on the activity of Călărași Jewish hospital; commercial enterprises’ posters and billboards on their production offered for distribution; documents regarding the human resources of Călărași town in 1934‐35; list of the officials of Calaras town with the date of their arrival; correspondence with the administration of cults regarding the authorization of a temporary committee to organize a Jewish community in Hîncești; the files on rendering permission to the resident of Strașeni, Șapiro Sruli, to carry on a gun; the list of the Jewish population of Călărași town who received Romanian citizenship; correspondence with the 3rd Romanian army corpus regarding the arrest of people suspected in Communist activity; directives, reports, correspondence with the Ministry of internal affairs, preturas regarding the prohibition of theater or celebratory performances of representatives of ethnic minorities, worker’s and women’s organizations in order to avoid political propaganda; about the opening of additional financing for maintaining secrets agents, secret trips, regarding serious censorship of newspapers and journals etc.; the list of Chișinău’ s Jewish population who received Romanian citizenship; documents about the gained, lost, and changed Romanian citizenship of the locals of the district; documents of the expropriation of the inheritors of Șleizer G. of the agricultural land in Calaras village for the need of road building; files of the examination of the denunciations from the residents of the district on people involved in anti‐Romanian activity; the list of the residents of Nisporeni plasa who expressed intent to change their family names into Romanian ones; lists of the residents of the district, which received the right to get Romanian citizenship; correspondence with the Ministry of external affairs and consultations regarding the persons arriving from abroad and leaving Romania; the list of the inhabitants of the district’s villages; statistical information coming from the subprefecture Hincesti plasa about the surface of grazing fields, vineyards, factories and their owners, population with indication of national makeup, local agricultural property and the owners, domestic animals; statistical information about the number of population according to its national makeup; reports about the social‐economical and moral‐political state of the villages of the district; the list of medical sectors of the district with the indication of villages’ names and their doctors; The lists of non‐Christian residents in villages of Chișinău plasa; the list of prohibited Jewish writers; the list of residents of villages Buțeni and Fîrlădeni; the registration book of the residents of Vadu‐lui‐Vodă village; the list of inhabitants of Vasieni and Fînar villages; the list of residents of Hîncești who work in order to compensate their debt for taxes; the list of people from Hîncești, who left for Germany in 1940; the records of the means of transportation, cattle and motorcycles from Călărași town, which was intended for requisition; personal file of the official of the prefecture, Abramova Nina; personal file of the secretary of Cricova primaria, Avram Cozma; personal file of the secretary of Cărpineni village primaria, Aizicovici Leon; Personal file of the money collector of Călăraș town, Berkovici Nuhim Mordko; personal files of the member of the temporary commission in Călărași town, Erlihman Zaharia; personal record of the head of the department of local power, Ziger‐Korn Boris; personal record of the notary of primaria Mereni village, Kiper Nestor; personal records of the officials of prefecture Kogan M.M; personal records of the money collector from Călăraș town, Lazebnikov Moișe D.; personal records of the telephone station worker of the prefecture, Laiba Trofim; personal records of the civil servant of Călăraș town primaria, Mendeleeva Haia; personal records of the member of communal council of Mereni village from Chetrosu village, Merț Iacob; personal records of the member of temporary commission of the communal council, Nirenberg Kalman‐Leib; personal records of the clerk from Călărași village Padihovici Pavel; personal records of the assistant to the cashier in Călăraș town, Pasternak Ira; personal records of the secretary of the primaria of Visterniceni, Puterman Riva; personal records of the notary of the villages Șendreni and Vulcănești, Rabinovici Zeliman; personal records of the head of the temporary commission from Bujor village, Rozvanț Leon; personal records of the money collector from primaria of Călăraș town; Sapojnikov Sruli; personal records of tax collector from Lăpușna villages, Seker Feodor; personal records of the notary of the village Vînători, Soifer Iancheli; personal records of the secretary of Călăraș primaria, Telescu Remus; personal records of the notary of Gherjavca village, Frițmak Dmitrii; personal records of the official of prefecutra, Șeidevant Leonid; personal records of the clerk pretura plasa Călăraș, Șitt Leonid; personal records of the notary of Drăsliceni village, Șitt Pavel; personal records of the member of temporary commission of communal council from Călăraș town, Iassky Ioil et al.
- Archief
- md-002886-339_1
- Official documentation
- Lăpuşna
- Religious institutions
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