Dokumenty niemieckie z okresu okupacji hitlerowskiej
The documents of special importance to the history of the Holocaust are those gathered in Section I, among them: call no. 200 – Traktowanie Polaków i Żydów w tzw. Kraju Warty (różne zarządzenia) oraz sprawy wysiedleń z lat 1939-1943 (Treatment of Poles and Jews in the “Wartheland” [various orders], and resettlements in the years 1939-1943) call no. 398 – Przesiedlanie Polaków i Żydów do GG (Resettlement of Poles and Jews to the GG), call no. 699 – “Judentransportliste nr 1” (Jewish transport list) dated 13 December 1939; a list of 768 people deported from the camp at Główna Street in Poznań; two more lists name 63 people, but with no information as to where they were taken.
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- pl-003110-i_z_dok_1
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