Policajné riaditeľstvo v Bratislave
The Police directorate in Bratislava was created in August 1920 a state security body with the original competence over the whole territory of Slovak part of Czechoslovakia. In 1921 Bratislava Police directorate´s competence was teritorrially reduced to the terrritory of Western and Central Slovakia. Later on Police directorate in Bratislava had police and some administrative competence over the territory of Bratislava as well as several nearby villages. From 1940 the Police directorate in Bratislava was, similarly to other bodies of the same type in Slovakia, subordinated to the County Office in Bratislava. In the matters of state security was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior and State Security Headquarters (Ústredňa štátnej bezpečnosti). Printed inventory in the Researchers´ Room of the archive. Acessible. The fonds contains documents of the Police directorate in Bratislava, the police and state security body with competences over the territory of the capital of Bratislava and several nerby towns. It contains documents on anti-Jewish persecution during the period of year 1938 – 1945 such as various lists of Jews created by the state administration and police bodies in Bratislava. It also contains the applications of individuals for the recognition of non-Jewish origin/status or applications of indivituals for the exemption from the obligation to wear the mandatory sign of a Jew. There are also various complains and interventions in regard to the deportation of Jews.
- Archief
- sk-003250-3931
- Anti-Jewish measures
- Bratislava
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