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Okresný úrad vo Zvolene

The District Office in Zvolen was a state administration body. It was established during the period of 1st Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938) and it existed also during the period of the Slovak state/ Slovak Republic (1939-1945). The office was originally established under Law no. 126/1920 Coll., which entered into effect on 1 January 1923. Soon after the creation of the Slovak state (March 14, 1939) its state administration was reorganized and the District Office in Zvolen was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic (pursuant to the Law No. 190/1939 effective from 1 January 1940). In matters falling within the competence of other ministries, regulations and instructions of these ministries were implemented. Since 1 January 1940, the Zvolen district was also incorporated into newly established Pohronská County (Pohronská župa) and was subordinated to the County Office of the Pohronská County (Župný úrad Pohronskej župy) with the seat in Banská Bystrica. The District Chief (Okresný náčelník) was the head of District Office in Zvolen with the responsibility for the state administration in the district as well as the work of the District Office. From 1 January 1940 District Chief was subordinated to the respected County Office and the Ministry of Interior. District Offices were superior to the local notary offices and regional notary offices which were the lowest level bodies of the state administration in Slovakia 1938-1945. Printed finding aid at the Research Room of the archive. The fonds contains documents of the District Office in Zvolen which was the regional body of the state administration. It contains many documents on anti-Jewish policy at the territory of District Zvolen in 1938-1945 including documents on the compulsory marking of businesses, forced labor of Jews from Zvolen and surrounding villages, activities of the Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov). The fonds also includes documents on early stages of so-called Aryanization of Jewish enterprises in Zvolen (according to the First Aryanization Law) as well as some documents on the Aryanization of Jewish land property. Some documents pertain to the deportation of Jews from Slovakia in 1942.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • sk-003291-4743
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