Колекція. Історичні довідки про найважливіші події Великої Вітчизняної війни 1941–1945 рр. у м. Черкаси та Черкаському районі, м. Черкаси Київської області
The collection contains historical information about the events of the German occupation in Cherkasy and Cherkasy district; some files selected below may be relevant to the Holocaust history. File 3. Historical information about the most important events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in the villages of Cherkasy district, April-August 1944, 88 pages. File 4. Profiles, recollections and references about Nazi atrocities and about recruitment and deportations to Germany for forced labour; copies of letters sent from Germany; information about those deported. List of Cherkasy dwellers repatriated from Germany, 33 pages. File 7. Information, references and recollections about underground patriotic activities of Cherkasy dwellers in the city and the district during the German occupation; chronological references about occupation and liberation of the villages of Cherkasy district; historical references about evacuation to the East and reconstruction of the city enterprises. List of enterprises and establishments of the city which acted during occupation. Letters of the military personnel, 1943-1945, 151 pages. File 8. Information about struggle of Cherkasy dwellers against German-Fascist invaders from August 8, 1944. Collection of the orders of the German authorities (handwritten copies), 6 pages.
- Archief
- ua-003292-р_534
- Forced labour
- Nehoda
- Cherkassy
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