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Могилів-Подільська міська управа

Information on salaries to workers of workshops, studios and other enterprises owned by individuals of Jewish nationality [inventory 1, file 485]. Documents on the organizational and economic activities of Jewish communities in the ghetto: permission for shoemaking, tailoring and pottery workshops, opening barbershops, sofas, bakeries, buffets and grocery stores, production of sausage wares, fur trade, small-scale trade [inventory 1, files 150-158, 167, 169-171, 173-177, 417]. Orders and decrees by Mohyliv-Podilsky city administration, documents on the provision of the Jews with housing, correspondence with the police, and applications for apartments and work on profession [inventory 1, file 477; inventory 7, file 160]. Prohibition to accept Jews to work in administrative bodies, to use them as officials [inventory 2, file 48, p. 121]. Available lists of ghetto prisoners (1942-1943). In addition to name and surname, the following is provided: the head of the family, gender, age, occupation, street in the ghetto where the family lived [inventory 2, file 169]. Order on the deportation of local Mohyliv Jews to Pechersk camp [inventory 3, file 5 p. 35]. Statements of persons and certificates issued to Jewish tenants permitting them to open workshops and trade enterprises [inventory 3, file 35-104]. Order of the pretura of Mohyliv-Podilskyi district in 1942 on the prohibition to sale in ghetto the goods brought from Romania, about reducing the range of goods [inventory 4, file 42, p. 20]. Decisions of the governorship and correspondence on the involvement of Jews into public works [inventory 4, file 49, 51]. Data on material assistance provided to Jewish prisoners of ghettos of Transnistria by the international organization “Joint” and the Romanian Jewish Center in Bucharest from May 1942 to December 1943: documents on the use of the Jewish money fund, instructions from the county councils on distribution funds from the Romanian Jewish Center to the Jews; correspondence with the district council on the use of Jewish Center’s funds for 1941-1943, etc. [inventory 7, files 72, 76, 83, 85].

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • ua-003335-p_2383
  • Food supply
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